If you are wondering about which are the largest cities in the United States in terms of population, you are about to find out.

According to the United States Census Bureau, this country is now the third-largest one right after India and China.
The 8 Largest Cities In The United States
#1: New York, New York – 8,398,748

As you may have already been expecting, New York remains as the largest city in the United States in terms of population.
Made up of several boroughs such as Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx, the city plays an important role in many different areas such as the economy, arts, education, and science.
Besides being the largest city in the US, New York is also one of the most diverse cities in the world with more than 3 million foreign-born residents.
Discover all the New York counties.
#2: Los Angeles, California – 3,990,456
With almost 4 million residents, Los Angeles is the second one on this list.
The city is known for being a leader in medicine, technology, science, and entertainment. Besides, its sunny and pleasant climate and little rainfall continue to attract a lot of people. You probably already heard about some of their most famous beaches like Manhattan Beach, Venice Beach or Santa Monica.
Find out all the California counties.
#3: Chicago, Illinois – 2,705,994

Located in the American Midwest, Chicago is known mainly due to its crucial role in the development of the national railway. Besides, this city is also known for its national sports teams, architects and by the fact that each one of its neighborhoods being unique.
#4: Houston, Texas – 2,325,502
Looking at the South of the country, we find Houston in Texas on the 4th place of the biggest cities in the US. The city is the home for NASA as well as for many Fortune 500 companies.
Here is a list of all the cities in Texas.
#5: Phoenix, Arizona – 1,660,272
Located in the Southwestern United States, more precisely in the Sonoran Desert, we have Phoenix with little more than 1.5 million residents.
One of the things that makes this city unique was its expansion and growth that was made through the desert. This allowed the establishment of a canal system that provided water to farmers.
#6: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – 1,580,863

The sixth-largest city in the United States according to the latest census is Philadelphia. Located in the Northeast United States, the city is often called the birthplace of America since this was where the Declaration of Independence was signed.
Besides its historic Old City, Philadelphia keeps attracting a lot of American college students.
#7: San Antonio, Texas – 1,532,233
In this list of the largest cities in the United States, we have a state that repeats on the top positions – Texas.
San Antonio is one of the oldest municipalities in the country and it contributes to the global economy with industries such as oil and gas, military, and tourism. In fact, in terms of tourism, you may want to check out the SeaWorld, the Alamo, and the River Walk.
#8: San Diego, California – 1,425,976

And we now find the second state that is also a repetition – California. This time, it’s San Diego that reaches this largest cities in the US list.
Located near the border between the United States and Mexico, this is the busiest border in the entire world. Known for its ability to attract tourists and for its high-quality of life, San Diego is a mixture of history with its historic downtown, culture, cuisine, and local beaches.