The United States is the third more populous country in the world, right after China and India. Besides, in terms of land, the United States is the world’s largest country right after Russia, Canada, and China.

As you probably already know, the United States is a country that consists of 50 independent states, sixteen territories, and a district of Columbia (Washington D.C.).
21 Interesting Facts About The United States
#1: In 1783, the United States was the first country to gain independence from an European power.
#2: The first United States constitution was adopted back in 1788. At this time, it consisted of only 9 stets where Delaware was the first one and New Hampshire was the ninth accepting it, making it legal.
Here’s a list of all US states.
#3: Rhode Island witnessed the beginning of the American Revolution. This was where the first water-powered cotton-spinning factory went into labor back in the 1790s.
#4: The 13 stripes that you can see in the American flag represent the 13 original colonies. On the original flag, there were only 13 stars that were arranged in a circle. However, at this moment, there are 50 stars, each one corresponding to each independent state.
#5: The current United States flag was designed by Robert G. Heft, a high school student at the time.

#6: While China is the biggest consumer of coal, the United States has the world’s largest coal reserves.
#7: More than 30% of Americans are obese. Colorado is the state that has the lowest obesity rates.
#8: On average, the United States deals with more than 1,000 tornadoes every year. It is the most affected country in the world.
#9: The United States detain the two longest coastlines in the world. Alaska is ranked at number one immediately followed by Florida.
Discover all the cities in Alaska.
#10: The Mount Rushmore Monument in the United States includes the heads of 4 ex-Presidents of the country – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson. Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

#11: The first census conducted in the United States was conducted back in 1790.
#12: The United States is more than twice the size of the European Union.
#13: The Great Depression, between 1929 and 1939, was the worst economic downturn in the history of the country.
#14: While the United States doesn’t have any official language, English is the main language used closely followed by Spanish.
#15: In 2008, Barack Obama was elected and he was the first black president of the United States. In 2012, he was re-elected.
#16: Los Angeles is the worst city in terms of traffic in the United States.
Here’s a lit of all cities in California.
#17: While the United States had a population of around 5 million in 1800, just by 1850 the population was more than 23 million.
#18: Mt. McKinley is the highest point in the country and Death Valley is the lowest point.

#19: George Washington was the first president of the United States.
#20: The Everglades National Park is the only ecosystem in the world where crocodiles and alligators co-exist side-by-side.
#21: Abraham Lincoln is the only United States president to own a saloon and a patent.