When people think about rich people, each one has their own perspective. And no matter what you think about rich people, the truth is that their perspective about life is completely different from someone who has to work for a living. Nevertheless, the reality is that rich people come with odd habits and beliefs.
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7 Surprising Facts About Rich People

#1: They Are More Dishonest:
While this doesn’t affect all rich people, the reality is that they tend to be more dishonest.
According to some studies that were conducted, rich people are more prone to cheat on games, taxes, and even on their spouses. Besides, a lot of rich people was already caught shoplifting as well as they hardly ever stop on crossways to let pedestrians cross.
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#2: They Overestimate Their Worth:

There’s no question that we should all have self-confidence. But there is a limit that rich people don’t seem to have or simply ignore.
One of the things that is very common among rich people is that they overestimate their abilities but others believe them.
#3: Rich Women Choose Older Men:
You probably already noticed that rich women tend to pick older men. The truth is that they are looking for providers and these tend to be older. There’s no question that they privilege more being rich than looking attractive.
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#4: Wealthy Parents Cheat For Their Kids:

Just last year, actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman were caught for paying a stiff bribe to guarantee a place at elite universities for their children.
While the news was shocking for the common mortal, most psychologists weren’t surprised. The truth is that the wealthy often live through their children’s achievements. Besides, with more people gaining access to their exclusive world and seeing the lower-income kids swarm elite institutions is a bitter pill to swallow.
#5: They Are Less Giving:
We are taught to teach the ones who need most ever since we were children, to share our toys or even food. So, it would be natural that the richest would be more willing to give. However, it is completely the opposite.
According to some psychologists, rich people believe they have more to lose.
#6: Their Old Age Is Longer And Healthier:

In case you never noticed, rich people tend to live a lot longer. In fact, some of them can even reach 100 years old. But more important than the time they last is the fact that they also enjoy more years of being physically independent.
After age 50, rich women could expect 33 more disability-free years and 31 for men. They could cook for themselves and get out of bed, things the poorest communities start struggling with nine years earlier.
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#7: Some Believe Poor People Are Happier:
One of the facts that may surprise you is the fact that many rich people actually believe that poor people are happier. However, notice that this fact was based on a small survey conducted back in 2007 and this same questionnaire excluded men.
Ultimately, some rich people believe that poor people are happier because they have more free time unlike rich people who believe are always busy.